Chapter One, Page 29
Posted May 27, 2016 at 11:19 pm

Another transmission from the trenches, friends–

I am still at the mercy of Frankenlaptop. The good people at the tech support center managed to mail my newly-repaired laptop to Georgia. For those readers unfamiliar with the vast wasteland of America, that’s about a twelve-hour drive from where I live (a cave in southern Indiana).

Fortunately, the rather harried gentleman I keep harassing by phone assures me that it is at some sort of FedEx facility and they will be mailing it to me by Tuesday. “Tuesday,” I croak into the phone, feeling too bad for him to demand how the estimate changed from “Tomorrow [that is, Thursday the 26th]” to “Next Month.”

In other news, Frankenlaptop’s fan has stopped working entirely and I am beset by miserable upper respiratory infection. Goodness. When it rains, it pours, as they say.